New Hope Thrift Shop
A Ministry of Milton United Methodist Church
In accordance with CDC and state guidelines, individuals in indoor public spaces are not required to wear masks, or to social distance. If you are not fully vaccinated, however, we strongly encourage you to follow CDC guidance and wear a mask at all times.
Mission Statement
The purpose of the New Hope Thrift Shop is to provide a ministry to those in need through the sale of donated goods and the proceeds are used locally, regionally and globally. We strive to be a steward of our environment through reuse and recycling of our wares, and to extend God’s love to all both near and far whenever and wherever possible.
Release of Liability
The New Hope Thrift Shop makes every effort to provide goods in usable condition. However, we cannot be held liable in the event of malfunction of anything purchased here. It is the understanding of the purchaser that items bought here have been previously used. The customer, therefore, releases The New Hope Thrift Shop of any liability regarding items purchased here.
Donations Policy
We thank you for your support through your donations. You are invited to donate items during open hours; please do not leave donations outside. We request that donations are not dropped the last 30 minutes of business hours. For other donation needs, please contact us at 973-697-3194.
Wednesday: 10 AM – 2 PM
Thursday: 2 PM – 7 PM
Saturday: 10 AM – 2 PM
WE ARE LOOKING FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS!!! At the New Hope Thrift Shop, we rely on our staff of dedicated volunteers. We are always looking for more happy faces to assist in our day-to-day work. It is a great way to get out of the house, meet people, and help others. Every day is different, and even a little help goes a long way. If you think the New Hope Thrift Shop is right for you, please contact Jim Wildermuth (973-809-4355), co-coordinator, or email him at wildermuth1@optonline.net.
Items We Will Accept:
- Clothing (gently used), Shoes/boots, Linens, Toys, Books, Tools, Holiday Decorations, Kitchenware, Household Items
Items We Do Not Accept:
- VHS Tapes, Cassette Tapes, Exercise Equipment, TVs Computers, Electronics, Baby Furniture, Car Seats, Game Systems, Audio Components
A ministry of Milton United Methodist Church
New Hope Food Pantry offers food distribution 2 times a month for disadvantaged families in our community. Food donations are always welcome and can be dropped in the
red bin behind the church any time.
Click on learn more button for
our updated Covid Policy