Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is a vital outreach to the children within our church and our community. VBS is an exciting way for your children to learn about God and Jesus. Every year VBS is filled with incredible bible-learning experiences where kids see, hear, touch and even taste the word of God. VBS is open to children ages 3 (must be potty-trained) thru 5th grade. We welcome adults who are willing to volunteer.
Registration is $20 per child if paid by May 15th, 2023. After that date it is $25 per child.
*Sibling discount of 10% is available.
Each night your child will learn a Bible lesson, make a craft, play games and enjoy a snack and music. Friday night runs a little later, to include a time for parents to come
see what the kids have learned all week. All registered children will also receive a VBS t-shirt.
2023 Milton United Methodist Church Vacation Bible School Registration Form
Monday July 10, 2023 to Friday July 14, 2023
6PM to 8PM (Friday night will run later with a program for parents to see what the kids learned about all week)
Cost: $25 per child. 10% sibling discount available.
** Early Bird Discount, if registered and paid by May 15, 2023, cost is $20 per child **
Children, ages 3 (must be potty trained) to those entering 6th grade in the fall, are welcome to attend.
Please complete the following information and then email to vbs@miltonumc.net
Child’s name:
Date of birth:
Grade completed:
Parent(s) name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip Code:
Primary Phone Number:
Alternate Phone Number:
Email Address:
Known Allergies (Food/Medical):
Will your child have an Epipen at VBS? Yes or No, circle one.
I give my permission for __________________________ to participate in Vacation Bible School at MUMC July 10-14, 2023. I give the adult leaders of VBS the authority to act on my behalf if my child should need emergency medical care.
Emergency Contact #________________________________ Choice of Hospital_________________
Insurance Car Information ____________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian signature ____________________________________ Date____________________
(Please be sure child’s first and last name is labeled on it)
Known Medical Conditions:
Child’s T-shirt size? YS. YM. YL. AS. AM. Circle one.
As a parent, are you willing to volunteer to help out at VBS? Yes or No, circle one please.
Please print and complete form, then mail with payment to:
Milton United Methodist Church
316 Dover Milton Road
Oak Ridge, NJ 07438
Any questions, email Roxanne Tango at vbs@miltonumc.net
Deadline to register is June 26, 2023.