Sunday Morning Bible Study meets every Sunday at 9 a.m.
Milton United Methodist Church offers an adult bible study every Sunday morning prior to worship. This bible study offers a unique opportunity for you to pursue your faith journey by taking an in-depth look at the bible. All our welcome to join us.
Seasonal Bible Study meets during Lenten and Advent Season
Milton United Methodist offers a seasonal Advent and Lenten Bible study. These studies are usually based upon programs developed by Rick Warren, although we have also used study programs by Adam Hamilton. Through individual study, video presentation and group discussions participants have an opportunity to develop a personal understanding of how these special seasons of the Christian year relate to their daily lives. The Lenten studies run over six weekly sessions and the Advent studies run for four weekly sessions.
Women’s Bible Study meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM
The Milton United Methodist Church Women’s Bible Study completes an in-depth study of 2-3 books a year. We do not meet during the summer but resume meeting after Labor Day. You do not have to be a member to attend! Hope you can join us.