
Milton UMC’s 2022 Stewardship program is All In For Jesus. We are considering what it means to live as disciples of Christ and go “All In.” We sometimes find reasons to avoid making changes and are inclined to stay in our comfort zone, the way we know. Going “All In” involves risk, but there comes a time when we must decide…are we going to play it safe or go all in. This series will explore what it means to be “All In” for God with all we have and all we are.
Please join us as we look at:
Week 1: The Risk – When we say yes to following Jesus, it means we say yes to the risks.
Week 2: Common Good – God activates gifts in every person for the common good; the upbuilding of individuals, who will each do their part to build up a life-giving, just, and peaceful church and society.
Week 3: No Strings Attached –The gifts given by the Spirit to each one of us, are to be used in not only the local church community but to bless the wider community as well!
Week 4: Commit – On this “Commitment Sunday”, November 21, we can play it safe or go “All In.”
We will have small group opportunities over the next few weeks, and we invite you to join in on a couple or all occasions, as you are so led. These gatherings are purposed to reflect on various aspects of what it means to go “All In”! Small group discussions can expand our thinking and make our life fuller! We learn from one another and can begin to understand the blessing of our differences and how it takes all of us being led by God to fully conduct the ministries inside and outside the church! Our in-person opportunities will be held on Sunday, Oct 24th, and Nov 21st at 11:30 a.m. Our Zoom meetings will be Thursday, Oct 27th, Wednesday, Nov 17th, and 24th at 7:30 p.m. *Please contact Pastor Ellen to send you the ZOOM link for the Wednesday sessions. (201-388-7549)
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. — (Matthew 6:19-21)
For Christian people, stewardship recognizes that everything we have is given to us by God, and we are simply managing those resources while here on earth – we are the heart, spirit and hands of God, reaching out in love to share with our shared world.
We often equate stewardship with money, but Christian stewardship involves all of life. We are called to be stewards of relationships and stewards of God’s Word. As Jesus’ stewards, we are committed to giving God thanks for all of Jesus’ blessings. Perhaps another word for stewardship is love — God’s love working upon and through human beings.
Our offerings support Milton UMC’s ministry and mission. God has blessed and used our resources to change lives, transform our community and renew the church. Annual person/family commitments make it possible for our church to budget, plan and expand ministries in the coming year.
The point is not how much we have. It’s not even how much we give. Rather, it’s what we do with all that God has given us. Our ministry is based not on programs but on God’s activity in the lives of people. We are not giving money and raising funds to perpetuate an organization, but to bring hope, health, and salvation to a world in need.
When people place money in a church offering plate, they are not simply contributing to a cause; they are expressing deeply held beliefs. They are responding to a relationship with God. Our giving is a free response to a God who has given freely.
Ways to Contribute
There are several ways you can support the mission and ministries of the Milton United Methodist Church:
• Personal weekly envelopes or bank checks for you and/or your family. During these difficult times, you can mail your offering/envelopes to MUMC, 316 Dover Milton Road, Oak Ridge, NJ 07438
• On this webpage click on Giving for either a recurring offering or a one-time gift. For those of you donating on line, MUMC will pick up the processing cost so that the full amount donated will be reflected in your giving.
• Visit the Milton UMC Facebook page for a recurring offering or a one-time gift. As above, for those of you donating on line, MUMC will pick up the processing cost so that the full amount donated will be reflected in your giving.
• Consider the Electronic Funds Transfer Program (EFT). It’s a good way to give. With EFT, you will authorize a specified amount of money to be electronically transferred from your checking or savings account to the Church account. You choose a donation frequency – weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. If you are interested in enrolling, please contact our church office at 973-697-3194. You can sign up for or remove yourself from the program at any time.
Thank you and God Bless.