The Chancel choir is open to all. We rehearse on Thursday evenings from 8 – 9 p.m. in the Sanctuary of our church. This choir leads Sunday morning worship service throughout the year, as well as services on Holy Days.
Youth Choir
This choir is for third to eighth grade children to encourage choral singing of sacred music 3 times during the year plus Christmas and Easter services. They rehearse on alternate Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary from 9:00-9:30 a.m..
Bell Choir
The handbell choir is for Middle School and High School students and older ringers with experience levels from beginners to advanced. They rehearse on Thursday’s from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary of the Church. This group rings during services about 3 times a year in addition to Christmas and Easter services.
Joy Chimes
This choir is for children kindergarten through third grade to encourage choir performance talents and to find a home in music ministry of the Church. They rehearse on alternate Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:30 a.m. and play during services about 3 times a year in addition to Christmas and Easter services.
Glory Chimes
This choir is for children fourth grade and older who typically have advanced through Joy Chimes. It provides a bridge between chimes and handbells. They rehearse on alternate Sunday mornings from 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. and play during services about 3 times a year in addition to Christmas and Easter services.